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A Humble brag. Please stop doing that.

 After attending the first part a training course on this weekend and working with the group of different managers (mid to senior level), I'd like to highlight a such event as the humble brag. You can find the definition by following the link , but I'll present the example: Example 1: - Are all theses booked slots in a corporate online conference tool valid or I can reuse one of them? - Yes, I have extremely organized communication plan with the client and suppose that is client's happiness should be our goal. If you had the same project, you would understand me. - What? 🤷‍♂️ Example 2: A trainer end the end of the first day asks: "Do you have any feedback for me how I can improve the course for the next session?" - Yes, I've been reading a lot about this topic, created an own board with own insights and is going to develop my own plan how to extend my knowledge about this topic in next couple days.  - What? 🤷‍♂️ To my mind, that is so a...
Recent posts
Dear colleagues, A New Year usually means turning over of a new leaf.  It has been decided that it is time to make some changes in this project as well. The project has changed on both sides of the ocean, and I am sure that you have noticed them.  Changes also bring a variety of opportunities that you may have or may not. Furthermore, everyone has own mental models, which are devilishly hard to change, and values in life. When your internal values scales are not in the equilibrium state, and the more you are trying to balance them the more you realize that you are following the moving goalposts - it is time to decide whether you take part in it or not. We have passed together a pretty long way that arouses vivid memories: tons of releases, arduous technical challenges, different Takman's phases in teams, team's growth, reductions, growth again, environments (seems the popular topic),  heated debates, travels and many other things.  I've...

Sunday. #skyengmarathon

Sunday. I've caught myself on a thought that we intuitively can oppose to some changes in our live. Variety of signs and indicators might signal about necessary changes, but none of them can urge us to make a first or the last step. Could it be because a threshold for the final destination point had been set so high, that all events that could happen or are happening are just being considered as not sufficient for that goal?

Saturday. #skyengmarathon

Saturday. Watched Fantastic Beasts movie on one of the largest IMAX screen in Russia. Special glasses and 3-D effect literally transform your ticket to a ticket to another reality, as it is stated in the ads slogan of the cinema theater.  The backstage scenes stir up you to be on London's and Paris's streets with wizards and mugles. When it comes to the plot, it does not glue you to your seat and at the of the movie you will realize that no fantastic beasts appear and no magician battles will take place that could leave you with a feeling of accidentally disrupted sequence of events.

Friday. #skyengmarahon

Friday. The first productive day in a new project. A customer's team finally came to the agreement for what purpose they hired a high-cost team of professional and what tasks they can help with. Tremendously difficult technical interview sessions were only for the revealing tons of legacy code without any signs for good and clean architecture that so pompously discussed and declared on the interview. 

Thursday. #skyengmarathon

Thursday. I've just realized that attempts of companies to build own system evaluating employees skills are so unsound that their skews sometimes just outstanding. People who are presented to a customer as high-skilled engineers barely can formulate their own thoughts for an ordinary user and cannot think in any terms beyond code constructions and patterns. Even more, they are so obsessed with their technological aspects and were so long indulged in it that try to insist only on own decisions.

Wednesday #skyengmarathon

Wednesday. The interesting term we can borrow from the games theory  - Nash equilibrium. That is a special state in a situation with more than one participant where no one can gain anything better or being better of by knowing the strategies of the others and unilaterally changing only its own strategy. So, if you are a part of a complex system, in order to do transition to a new state that will be beneficial for all parts, all members should change they strategy taking into account strategies of the others. Have you ever noticed how often we do changes with hope of changing situation, but without realizing the fact that we are in Nash equilibrium?