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Dear colleagues,

A New Year usually means turning over of a new leaf.  It has been decided that it is time to make some changes in this project as well. The project has changed on both sides of the ocean, and I am sure that you have noticed them.  Changes also bring a variety of opportunities that you may have or may not. Furthermore, everyone has own mental models, which are devilishly hard to change, and values in life. When your internal values scales are not in the equilibrium state, and the more you are trying to balance them the more you realize that you are following the moving goalposts - it is time to decide whether you take part in it or not.

We have passed together a pretty long way that arouses vivid memories: tons of releases, arduous technical challenges, different Takman's phases in teams, team's growth, reductions, growth again, environments (seems the popular topic),  heated debates, travels and many other things.  I've been trying to work with, listen and help to all of you, and want to believe that we have realized changes that have made this project better for you personally and for the customer. That is a pleasure to see how the staffing decisions that were made several years ago or even less and your tremendous dedication to work allowed revealing your technical and so-called "soft " skills; how technical decisions that we made simplify your work now; how quickly you became the best engineers in the company. Do not stop in your perseverance to reach goals, and not let anybody turn you off the way; however, the way how you will do this defines whom you will work with afterward.

So, since tomorrow the period of on-boarding a new project manager starts.


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