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Showing posts from November, 2018

Sunday. #skyengmarathon

Sunday. I've caught myself on a thought that we intuitively can oppose to some changes in our live. Variety of signs and indicators might signal about necessary changes, but none of them can urge us to make a first or the last step. Could it be because a threshold for the final destination point had been set so high, that all events that could happen or are happening are just being considered as not sufficient for that goal?

Saturday. #skyengmarathon

Saturday. Watched Fantastic Beasts movie on one of the largest IMAX screen in Russia. Special glasses and 3-D effect literally transform your ticket to a ticket to another reality, as it is stated in the ads slogan of the cinema theater.  The backstage scenes stir up you to be on London's and Paris's streets with wizards and mugles. When it comes to the plot, it does not glue you to your seat and at the of the movie you will realize that no fantastic beasts appear and no magician battles will take place that could leave you with a feeling of accidentally disrupted sequence of events.

Friday. #skyengmarahon

Friday. The first productive day in a new project. A customer's team finally came to the agreement for what purpose they hired a high-cost team of professional and what tasks they can help with. Tremendously difficult technical interview sessions were only for the revealing tons of legacy code without any signs for good and clean architecture that so pompously discussed and declared on the interview. 

Thursday. #skyengmarathon

Thursday. I've just realized that attempts of companies to build own system evaluating employees skills are so unsound that their skews sometimes just outstanding. People who are presented to a customer as high-skilled engineers barely can formulate their own thoughts for an ordinary user and cannot think in any terms beyond code constructions and patterns. Even more, they are so obsessed with their technological aspects and were so long indulged in it that try to insist only on own decisions.

Wednesday #skyengmarathon

Wednesday. The interesting term we can borrow from the games theory  - Nash equilibrium. That is a special state in a situation with more than one participant where no one can gain anything better or being better of by knowing the strategies of the others and unilaterally changing only its own strategy. So, if you are a part of a complex system, in order to do transition to a new state that will be beneficial for all parts, all members should change they strategy taking into account strategies of the others. Have you ever noticed how often we do changes with hope of changing situation, but without realizing the fact that we are in Nash equilibrium?

Monday. #skyengmarathon

Monday I've read the first half of the book "The art of system thinking". The books tries to teach you that the obvious approach of dividing a whole into parts and analyzing parts might not be complete and does not allow you to find elusive properties of systems that arise on edges. The book's title and the topic could sound too theoretical; however, systems are everywhere: marriage, education process, car driving are examples of systems. Almost all systems have correction paths, or so called correction loops. Realizing how a system works, what are connections in it - is a key to understanding how efficiently it could be changes and what a pivotal point should be selected.

Saturday. #skyengmarathon

Saturday A day of nothing special. The evening of the day was devoted to watching the last Keanu Reevs films - Replicas. A science-fiction story how a unlimited love, technological progress, and dedication to both of them can change things and lives. The movie's plot is too far-fetched, but could ignite thoughts about things that we may not pay enough attention too and often accepts as ordinary: family members, pets or just moments in life.  Even if such technology existed, due to its cost it would not be widespread and easily accessible. Most likely, more well-off people will grab at any possibility to extend their live and by doing this will skyrocket price for such service. The paradox of all cutting edge inventions - they could change the world if become accessible to everyone, but only 1% of population who owns 80% of wealth can afford it and nothing is changing around.

Sunday. #skyengmarathon

Sunday Winter is coming.  Finally, the lowest daily temperature fell below zero Celsius. Last green leaves of some trees try to saturate colors of the last days of Fall, but hardly can do this. That sense of freezing air and disappearing clouds from exhalation when you go outdoors. People are changing their cloths: think gloves, multilayered coats,  as warriors changing their armors before a battle. 

Friday. #skyengmarathon

Friday It was the day of conflicts at work. The day of being on someone's high horse and laying down the laws regardless of different point of views, just pure demonstration of power. One more time I confirmed the truth in the quote: "People come to work in companies, but quit because of personalities." To my mind, there are several aspects that could motive someone to work in a specific company or at a specific position: A feeling that your are working on something that is valuable Trust and respect. Regardless of your intentions and actions, at least show respect to your colleagues. Games behind the curtains will be revealed and they could be expected, but lack of respect will never be forgotten Potential professional growth and its feasibility. Tasks, projects what are you working on should give you a chance to obtain new skills. Your career growth feasibility should not be ephemeral. Level of income. No reasons to deny that without covering the basic ...