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Friday. #skyengmarathon

It was the day of conflicts at work. The day of being on someone's high horse and laying down the laws regardless of different point of views, just pure demonstration of power. One more time I confirmed the truth in the quote: "People come to work in companies, but quit because of personalities." To my mind, there are several aspects that could motive someone to work in a specific company or at a specific position:
  • A feeling that your are working on something that is valuable
  • Trust and respect. Regardless of your intentions and actions, at least show respect to your colleagues. Games behind the curtains will be revealed and they could be expected, but lack of respect will never be forgotten
  • Potential professional growth and its feasibility. Tasks, projects what are you working on should give you a chance to obtain new skills. Your career growth feasibility should not be ephemeral.
  • Level of income. No reasons to deny that without covering the basic level of the Maslow's pyramid you barely will be able to come to self-realization. However, without the points that have been mentioned before it, this can be a retention factor, not not for a long period of time.


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